Pretty Knowledge, Li Ran’s solo show 2012, Aike-dellarco Gallery, Shanghai, China
“漂亮的知识”,李然个展展览现场,艾可画廊,中国上海,2012年 (照片来自艺术家与艾可画廊)
Looking Forward, Montreal Biennale 2014, Exhibition view at Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal ( Photo by Paul Litherland)
“期待”,蒙特利尔双年展展览现场,蒙特利尔当代美术馆,加拿大蒙特利尔,2014年( 照片来自Paul Litherland)
Pretty Knowledge
2012, Sound&Color Dual-Channel Video Installation, 6min 27sec, Variable Size
“Pretty Knowledge” (2012), is a dual-channel video work which takes after a segment of a video, popular on the internet, of a certain French seer who relates his predictions for the future. In one, he directly uses the video documentation of this “seer” predicting various major events due to happen after 1980; in the other video, myself plays the role of this seer and re-enacts his predictions with an imitation French, mimicking his French intonation and body language.